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Minutes as Amended
Meeting – Tuesday, September 23, 2008
Chair – Mary Ellen Halliwell

Present:  Mary Ellen Halliwell, Jan Kendall, Tom Moran, Shirley Walker, Judith Wolfe

Minutes of the of August 26th were read and approved as written

Old Business
1.  Tides Resturant Fund Raiser
        Jan distributed copies of the poster/flyer created for the event.  Flyers have been distributed in the Salem Common area and to various organizations.  Jason will distribute flyers to city employees.  Press releases have been given to the Salem Evening News and The Gazette Both are expected to publish news of the event.  Jan asked that Committee members get in touch with her if willing to help distribute the Flyers for posting in Business windows and elsewhere.  
2   Artists Row
        Shirley reported that she and Sandi will use the remaining RCG donation to purchase fall plants to replenish the planters, hanging baskets and the “roundabout” in Artists Row. Volunteers have been contacted concerning a planting date.                              

3.  MBTA                                        
        Mary Ellen noted that the Salem Beautification Committee sign has not yet been installed at the MBTA station.  Moreover she noted that the MBTA planters and the MBTA area is in need of preparation for the fall and winter seasons.  The use of fall plants to be replaced by evergreen branches was discussed.  It was moved, seconded and passed that Mary Ellen and Paul may spend Committee funds not to exceed $200.00 to purchase plants, evergreens and other items necessary to maintain the appearance of the area throughout the end of the year..  
        Mary Ellen also noted that there may be a need to find storage space for the plant barrels.  She will explore the possibility of having the city provide a water barrel to catch rainfall from the downspout of the signal tower that could be used for watering planter and greenery.
        It was gratefully acknowledged that Kathleen Sullivan of ReMax Realty provided the plaintings at the sidewalk garden in from of the ReMax office.

4.  Tree-mendous Event
        The committee considered the pros and cons of trying to put on the Tree-mendous Event this year.  It was concluded that there was not enough time left to resolve all the organizational issues that remain regarding the planning and execution of the event.  
        The discussion turned instead to our previously discussed fund raising projects, such as the Christmas tree ornament idea.  Tom then suggested the creation of a full size weathervane.
This idea was well received   Discussion to be continued when more information is available.
5.  Committee Vacancies
        The need to fill the existing Committee vacancies was considered.  The discussion resulted in a consensus that Committee members could identify possible candidates and should advise each to write a letter of interest addressed to the mayor but mailed to the attention of Thomas P. Watkins, Project Manager.
6.  Publicity
        The discussion began by noting our accomplishments.  It was suggested that we might put a photo album up on the City’s web site.  Tom volunteered to contact the Salem Gazette about running an article on the Committee and its activities.  Judith volunteered to find out if, how and the procedures for establishing a presence on the City’s website.  Plus the value of sponsoring the Christmas Tree project next year was discussed.

New Business

1.  Tom called attention to the fact that the City is making many changes to public ways without considering the fact that the improvements could be so easily landscaped with plants, greenery or other beautification measures. And that in those cases where plants and greenery are incorporated, the projects have failed to provide for the maintenance needs of newly planted areas.  He suggested that the Committee could be a good planning resource for such projects and that we should make our interest in being part of the planning process known.  To that end, Tom will make the Committee’s interest known to his contacts.  Mary Ellen will contact Jason concerning the idea..

2. The list of future Committee chairpersons will be exhausted after the next meeting.  Members are asked to check their calendars and be ready to volunteer a date at the next meeting.

It was agreed that the meeting scheduled for December 23rd would be cancelled.  A motion to adjourn was offered and allowed.

Respectfully submitted,

Judith Wolfe

Next Meeting is scheduled for October 28, 2008
Chairperson:  Marcia